This month, I feel its worth explaining ‘neutral spine’ and why its important to reserving your backs health.
The mobile part of the spine has 3 curves to it. (dia1). They are there to help displace the body’s weight over its length, rather than the lower discs having to take to the total toll. between the spinal bones (vertebrae) are discs which help absorb and allow movement, in a neutral position the pressure on these discs is even. (dia2)
When the back is bent or flexed away from ‘neutral’ the disc pressure becomes uneven and increases the decline of the disc. (dia3 – sometimes called a slipped disc).
It is for this reason that safe lifting practices and understand the importance of maintaining a functional and balanced body is so important.
Next month I’ll explain hip/pelvis positions and how they can add stress to your lower back.
As always what has been suggested is general information and doesn’t take into account an individuals limitations or needs. Seek a medical opinion to see if this exercise is appropriate for you.
Positive Change Personal Training – encouraging you to be active beyond the short term.